Licensed Social Workers (LSW)
Dr. Barabas provides supervision of Licensed Social Workers (LSW) to meet Licensure requirements for obtaining a license in Pennsylvania as a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).
3000 hours of supervised clinical experience are required. Under Section 47.12c(b)(9) of the regulations; the supervised clinical experience shall be completed in no less than 2 years and no more than 6 years, except that no less than 500 hours and no more than 1,800 hours may be credited in any 12-month period
Dr. Barabas is currently a Licensed Clinical Social worker in Pennsylvania (initial license Date 5/23/2003) who meets the qualifications set by the Pennsylvania Board of Social Work as an approved supervisor.
(Section 47.1a (2)), as per Section 47.12c (b)(2) of the regulations. For the supervised clinical experience hours completed January 1, 2006 and after, 1,500 hours must be completed under an individual who holds a current license as a clinical social worker and has 5 years of clinical experience within the last 10 years as a clinical social worker (Section 47.1a(1)) and the other 1,500 hours may be completed under an individual who holds a current license and a master’s or doctoral degree in a related field, and have 5 years’ experience within the last 10 years in that field (Section 47.1a(2)), as per Section 47.12c(b)(2) of the regulations. Supervised clinical experience completed in another state may be counted towards meeting the Pennsylvania supervised clinical experience requirements as long as the experience meets Pennsylvania requirements.
Dr. Barabas provides supervision of Post-Doctoral Psychology graduate professionals seeking supervision to meet Licensure requirements for obtaining a license as a Psychologist in Pennsylvania.
Graduates must complete the equivalent of a year of full-time supervised professional experience totaling 1,750 hours. The ‘Psychology Trainee’ will need a primary supervisor. The supervisee is expected to have at least two hours of supervision a week. Up to an hour a week of supervision may be delegated to another qualified professional; the primary supervisor still bears ultimate responsibility for the hours. Fully half the required hours must be spent in the following activities: assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and/ or providing or receiving supervision or consultation. Research or teaching may be accepted for the remaining hours.
Dr. Barabas is currently a Licensed Psychologist in Pennsylvania who meets the qualifications set by the Pennsylvania Board of Psychological examiners as an approved supervisor.
Rates for supervision are arranged on a case by case basis. Although general requirements for supervision are standardized, individual applicants typically have differing needs for supervision such as coordinating with work schedules, the need for clients to treat or evaluate, not needing the full total of supervision hours, prior experience with psychotherapy or psychological testing, etc.
Licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC)
Dr. Barabas Provides supervision of individuals seeking Licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania. 3 years/3,600 hours of supervised clinical experience must be supervised by a qualified supervisor. Approximately half or 1,800 hours of supervised experience can be completed under a licensed Psychologist meeting the requirements as an approved supervisor.